Sanitary Vapor Condensers

The design emphasizes hygiene, ensuring that the equipment meets stringent sanitary regulations. The hot vapor enters the condenser, where it contacts the cooler tube or plate surfaces that are being cooled by a refrigerant or cooling water. Sanitary condensers serve important applications in a number of industries. We offer both stock and custom units in a vaariety of sizes and materials, depending on the customer's requirements. Call today to speak with our knowledgeable staff.

  • Certified: Available TEMA, ASME, 3-A, PED and CRN certified to meet your needs.
  • Available Options: Sight glasses, level gauge ports, CIP spray ball assemblies, and electro-polished tube surfaces avaiable on shell & tube units.
  • High Quality: Constructed of 304L, 316L, or alternative alloys for superior durability and performance.
  • Efficiency: Superiority in design and build quality allow us to offer our customer the best possible efficiency and value.
  • Configurations: Available in 1-pass, multi-pass, U-tube, straight tube, and brazed plate units.
  • Types: Pharmaceutical units, knock-back and cold trap condensers, reflux, and solvent recovery are just a few types that are available.
Sanitary 3A CIP
Sanitary 3A:
Food, Beverage and Pharmaceutical
  • 3A Certified
  • USDA & FDA Approved
  • 304L or 316L SSP
Sanitary CIP
Food & Beverage
  • Clean & Drainable
  • Meets Sanitary Standards
  • 304L or 316L SSP
Non-Sanitary CIP
Non Food Related
  • Non Food Applications
  • Carbon Steel or Stainless

Our Sanitary Heat Exchangers

Through our indirect exchangers, heat from the vapor is transferred to the coolant, causing the vapor to lose energy and condense into a liquid state. Owing to their role in energy recovery and waste heat utilization, sanitary vapor condensers are instrumental in enhancing system efficiency and reducing operational costs. Manufacturers of these condensers prioritize robust construction and use materials such as high-grade stainless steel, which not only withstands the rigorous conditions of industrial processes but also maintains the purity of sensitive products.

Performance optimization involves precisely calculating the heat transfer area and selecting appropriate materials and design parameters to harmonize with the specific thermal duties required by the application. By incorporating features like cleanable surfaces and ease of maintenance into their design, these condensers ensure reliability and longevity, thereby providing value to facilities that prioritize both performance and sanitation in their thermal exchange processes.

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